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Multiple Custom Media Solutions:
Inmatrix is always on the innovation path, harnessing its vast know-how in the fields
of video and audio processing & display to create the top software media
To meet the most demanding requirements and to remain up-to-date in an ever-growing
variety of standards and formats and a constantly-changing multimedia
world, we take pride for deploying a winning combination of original and
flexible, future-proof attitude combined with best and latest technologies.
As such, we are happy to pick up any challenge thrown at us - whether it is a new
type of application or solution, a SW-SW or SW-HW integration / embedding joint
project to create yet more and wider products and solutions, a customized
application targeted at a new market, a creative design for a specific usage and /or
audience type, a new media format, a different usage mode or 3rd party product
branding. Try us!
Professional Consulting Services:
Inmatrix has long been one of the technology cornerstones when discussing
multimedia display, processing and control. For the last 10 years our technical
experts offered the best available multimedia display & control solutions and
deployment ideas for a host of companies, hardware and software system
integrators, and end-users. Our categorized, personalized, closely monitored web
site and professional forums have become a generator for innovative ideas and
solutions and a unique exchange for information for Millions of users and potential
users, worldwide.
Additionally, we provide consulting services in a wide range of specialized fields,
from meeting professional technological challenges in Digital Signage and
Electronic Billboard systems, through Home Theatre systems and Media Center
devices, custom applications, to creating new convergent Audio-Video-Data display
systems and customizing existing ones, and more. Our application and implementation ideas are highly appraised by the respective industry leaders and
specialists alike. Now all this, along with our vast experience and a large
knowledge base can be at your service.